You can't learn on an empty stomach
This year's SEMPL conference will also offer a premium culinary experience. The chefs of the Bernardin Hotel will prepare a real gourmet treat, with several different lunches, also tailored to people with dietary restrictions. If you have any questions about the meals, please do not hesitate to contact us as we will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.
This year's SEMPL conference will also offer a premium culinary experience. The chefs of the Bernardin Hotel will prepare a real gourmet treat, with several different lunches, also tailored to people with dietary restrictions. If you have any questions about the meals, please do not hesitate to contact us as we will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.
Lunch will be available on both days of the conference, Thursday 14 November and Friday 15 November. If you have already purchased your conference ticket and would like to have lunch at the conference, please get in touch with us via info@sempl.si. If you are in the process of purchasing, you can check the lunches when you purchase and your lunch voucher will be waiting for you on your accreditation.
To ensure sufficient quantities and an enjoyable dining experience for all participants, please order and pay for your lunch by 13 November.