
Strategic use of the media mix

Campaigns that are strategic and ingenious in their usage of the media mix and communication channels. The jury will look for integrated campaigns that show a strategically and creatively strong implementation and the effective use of the media mix. The rewarded campaign should deliver excellent results in terms of ROI and a high level of involvement and engagement of the defined target group.

Innovative use of new media or a media format or communication channel

This category includes new media and new media formats or communication channels that enable advertisers to achieve better, more innovative and more distinctive communication with consumers. Communication projects that innovatively use or upgrade the specifics of a certain medium or projects that creatively and ingeniously transform objects or factors that primarily have a different function into a medium or a communication channel.

Best targeted campaign

The jury will reward projects that show excellency in identifying and reaching their specific target group. This category is open to all campaigns that can be proven to successfully identify and target a specific audience, either a demographic or with a specific nature (e.g. golf players, chocolate lovers etc.). The jury will focus on correctly implemented targeting, achieving a high response rate and the inclusion of the target group.

Best experiential campaign

Projects that are successful and creative in establishing a direct, experiential way to consumers, through sensory perceptions or personal experience. This category includes events, projections, sponsorship placement, guerrilla marketing, BTL activities, direct mail, etc. When done right, it provides a sound affiliation with the brand, product or service and can result in increased brand image, awareness and loyalty. The experiences can be virtual or physical.

Best use of the digital world

Projects that creatively use all the opportunities of the digital environment, including web, mobile, tablets, IPTV, etc. The jury will reward the campaigns that show the most efficient and correct definition of the target group and are executed through the excellent use and combination of different digital platforms.

Best social media campaign

Projects that showcase an innovative and creative approach in the fields of social media networks and are exceptional in understanding online consumer behaviour. The rewarded campaign should be very target-orientated and has to show fantastic results in terms of community-building, involvement, engagement and a high response rate from the target group.

Best use of mobile

Campaigns that innovatively reach and engage consumers using any of the mobile channels. Any mobile media format will be considered, including mobile apps, mobile sites, mobile content or any other form of mobile advertising. The jury will be seeking campaigns that have used mobile platforms in a creative and engaging way to achieve excellent results based on clear objectives.

Best use of data or research initiatives

Campaigns that provide evidence showing the influence of research (qualitative or quantitative) or the use of data on media planning, the use of media and implementation, as well as its impact on the outstanding campaign outcome. Pre- and post-campaign statistics should serve as a useful benchmark for the jury, who will also look for metrics such as lead generation or lead sales conversion, a reduction in CPA or an improvement of ROI. Data can be used to provide insights, to monitor and improve the progress of the campaign, for segmentation, targeting or re-targeting. The winning strategy must clearly showcase the positive impact of data on specific campaign results.

Best PR strategy or promotion

The jury will award the best and most effective special promotional event, PR campaign or other support activity, created to achieve specific objectives, such as influencing public opinion, changing behaviour or (re)building brand perception. All these activities must be executed mainly through earned media and must have a significant and measurable impact for the brand, business and/or organization in terms of protecting and enhancing reputation or improving business or campaign results.

Best technology approach

The most effective, innovative and creative use of AI, AR, VR, app or other high-technology tool with the goal of achieving engagement and increasing brand recognition, brand loyalty or even increasing sales among the target group. Any high-technology tool can be used as a part of a campaign or as an individual strategy. The jury will focus on the innovative nature of the technology used and how it was used for the benefit of the brand.

Best use of influencer marketing

This category is open to all campaigns that include an influencer, celebrity or ambassador as a part of a cross-channel, digital or social media marketing campaign. Integrations may include takeovers, partnerships, sponsorships or viral videos, among others. This award will place the spotlight on the very best influencer marketing campaign from the region, rewarding excellence in design, execution and development while showcasing creativity, innovation, clear KPIs and objective(s).