Meet Stella Litou, Mélissa Duhalde, and Tom Gavazzi

We are excited to announce that many top speakers from the fields of media, advertising and digital innovation are joining us at this year's SEMPL conference. Their knowledge and experience will impress both seasoned professionals and beginners alike.

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How the best local TV stories are made

Viewers love local TV series - and who would know this better than Stella Litou, CEO of Pro Plus and RTL Croatia. At SEMPL, she will discuss this with Simona Kruhar Gaberšček, Editor-in-Chief of Marketing magazin, Slovenia. They will also touch upon other key pillars of Pro Plus, such as the news programme and continuous innovation.
“The total amount of time people spend on content is not decreasing, it may even be slightly increasing, but the way people watch it is changing,” says Stella Litou, referring to VOYO, which is available in all six countries of the CMO Group. They will also take a look into the future, or as Litou says: “The key is to compete for people's time and not waste time on activities that do not deliver results. It's important that teams have time to think, create and be creative, and we use a variety of digital tools to help us do this.”

Diversity and inclusivity should become the norm

Beauty ideals are at the root of the prejudices we have against our fellow human beings. Beauty brands play an important role in this, as they dictate beauty standards. Mélissa Duhalde, a French beauty marketing expert who has worked in marketing for major cosmetics companies such as L'Oréal, LVMH and Estée Lauder, and is now part of the Shiseido team, believes that beauty brands must strive for diversity and inclusivity if they want to influence their customers' positive self-image. “Diversity creates creativity,” she believes. At SEMPL, she will talk about how to put diversity and inclusivity (D&I) at the heart of marketing campaigns. “It is time for D&I to be the norm and no longer the exception, or the prerogative of some!” she stresses.

AI for smarter media buying

Also coming to Portorose, is visionary entrepreneur Tom Gavazzi, founder and owner of from Croatia, who has more than three decades of entrepreneurial experience in the events industry. In recent years, he has been focusing on the use of artificial intelligence in the events sector, and at SEMPL he will present his view on how AI can help transform the way companies approach marketing, with a focus on media buying. He believes that understanding how to harness the power of AI is the key to successful business.

Let your media strategies shine on the SEMPL stage

The Sempler Awards is the only competition for the best media strategies in the region. So don't hesitate to submit your work, which will be judged by an outstanding international jury led by Nermina Mašala Kelić, CEO of UM Sarajevo, BiH. Register today

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