Mair Oruc

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Mair Oruc

Director, LUNA\TBWA Sarajevo, BiH

Mair established the LUNA\TBWA Sarajevo office in 2002. 
For the past 22 years, Mair has been developing communication programs, strategies, tactics, tools, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Communicating with clients, media, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and sponsors, was involved in creating and implementing strategies, fully organized campaigns, promotions, events and conferences for main target groups: public audience, business community, governmental and nongovernmental sectors. 
Besides above mentioned, Mair is well experienced in the financial part of the execution of communication strategy and plans – preparation of preliminary and final budgets, monitoring of budget executions, evaluation and reporting.

He has senior supervision of projects for various clients, to mention a few: Argeta, Avon, Sarajevo’s Brewery, Novonordisk US Embassy in Sarajevo, Henkel; Microsoft, Stowarzyszenie Integracja i Rozwój (SIR), NIRAS, Pivovarna Lasko, USAID, EU – QMS, Electrolux.